Workforce Development

With one of the largest, most comprehensive, and most competitive educational communities in the West Virginia, Morgantown is constantly providing our local business community with the talent they are looking for—and that is important now more than ever.

Site selectors across the nation have found that the availability of skilled workers has become the top priority of businesses looking to relocate or expand into a new community—outranking incentives and all other economic factors. A supported infrastructure that is prepared to adapt to the changing needs of industry can be a powerful force in the recruitment, growth, and retention of local businesses.

The availability of skilled labor continues to be a top site selection criterion for economic development projects. In addition, recruiting and retaining a qualified, trained, and reliable workforce is one the greatest challenges for employers across the nation.

Since its inception, the Morgantown Area Partnership has worked to address the current and future workforce needs and concerns by bringing together leaders from the business community, K-12 educational systems, postsecondary education institutions, and other stakeholders for focused dialogue.


Workforce Development Committee

The Partnership is excited to announce the formation of it’s new Workforce Development Committee to be Chaired by Frank Vitale. Workforce is the most important aspect of a company’s decision to locate or expand in a community so its important that we focus on our workforce in the Morgantown Area. The Committee has a great deal of experience in the field and will help our community address issues and opportunities for our residents to prepare them for tomorrow’s jobs.



Thank you to our Investor Partners